Christmas is a time for food. And that means a lot of cooking. Which can often mean a lot of oils and fats. These are the main causes of issues with plumbing in Hull.

By pouring oils down the sink or drain when you have done your cooking, a build-up of congealed fats will block drains and cause problems, which can have a knock-on effect for your neighbours and across the city, not just your own plumbing in Hull.

Pipes can get clogged up, which can have a disastrous effect on sewer lines and cost big money to repair, as well as giving the potential for flooding, especially at this time of year.

To avoid what could be a city-wide catastrophe of plumbing in Hull, pour your cooking oil into a container and throw the whole thing in the bin, once it has cooled.

But, if you do need help with your plumbing in Hull, AA Gas Services is working right up until Christmas, so get in contact with us now to ensure your Christmas does not end in disaster.

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